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Friday, March 14, 2025

Trade union boss:

Steel workers anxious to return to plant


643 days ago
Steel Workers Union president Timothy Bailey speaks during an interview, yesterday.

Steel Workers Union president Timothy Bailey speaks during an interview, yesterday.


Se­nior Po­lit­i­cal Re­porter

The Steel Work­ers Union of Trinidad and To­ba­go (SWUTT) says the ma­jor­i­ty of steel­work­ers from the for­mer Arcelor­Mit­tal plant re­main out of work and would be in­ter­est­ed in re­turn­ing to the plant be­ing sold to TT Iron and Steel, but SWUTT wants to know the sell­ing price.

SWUTT pres­i­dent Tim­o­thy Bai­ley con­firmed this yes­ter­day. This fol­lowed news that the TT Iron and Steel com­pa­ny signed a sale and pur­chase agree­ment to ac­quire the Point Lisas steel plant for­mer­ly run by Arcelor­Mit­tal. The plant closed in 2016 and went in­to liq­ui­da­tion with some 600 plus work­ers be­com­ing job­less.

Bai­ley said: “SWUTT has con­tin­ued do­ing great work in oth­er sec­tors and at the In­dus­tri­al Court. We’re one of the few unions to get more than four per cent for work­ers from a state-owned en­ti­ty NFM—nine per cent for one pe­ri­od.”

“But our steel in­dus­try mem­bers were our core and they’re still mem­bers al­though some strug­gle to re­main fi­nan­cial due to not be­ing gain­ful­ly em­ployed. How­ev­er, SWUTT con­tin­ues to rep­re­sent them to date.”

Bai­ley said the ma­jor­i­ty of work­ers from the pre­vi­ous steel plant re­main out of jobs.

“They hus­tle do­ing jobs as they come to put food on the ta­ble and pay bills. Un­like Petrotrin and TSTT work­ers these work­ers nev­er re­ceived any sev­er­ance. On­ly a hand­ful were for­tu­nate to mi­grate to get jobs.”

On whether all com­mit­ments to work­ers had been ho­n­oured fol­low­ing the plant’s clo­sure, Bai­ley said: “Ho­n­our what com­mit­ments? Arcelor­Mit­tal was al­lowed to dump cit­i­zens and leave our shores with­out re­sis­tance by the lead­ers of this coun­try.

“They have been al­lowed to un­der­take a vol­un­tary liq­ui­da­tion un­der cir­cum­stances where their sis­ter com­pa­nies make up 87 per cent of the cred­i­tors. To date no work­er has been paid a cent for their years of ser­vice with the com­pa­ny (some 36 years) from the bil­lion dol­lar com­pa­ny Arcelor­Mit­tal.”

Bai­ley said the steel work­ers re­ceived no sep­a­ra­tion ben­e­fits and the Gov­ern­ment failed mis­er­ably to en­sure that leg­is­la­tion was passed to rec­ti­fy this wrong and pre­vent it from ever hap­pen­ing to oth­er cit­i­zens.

Bai­ley said SWUTT isn’t aware of TT Iron’s plan for the steel plant, “be­cause they have cho­sen not to share or even com­mu­ni­cate with the most recog­nised body for work­ers in this in­dus­try…which is their de­ci­sion to make.

“On the ques­tion of their hir­ing and not giv­ing any pref­er­ence to the work­ers that built this in­dus­try and were treat­ed the way they were by the pre­vi­ous op­er­a­tors, this may just be an in­sight in­to the mind­set of the peo­ple that in­tend to ac­quire and run the fa­cil­i­ty,” said Bai­ley.

But he said based on for­mer work­ers’ em­ploy­ment sit­u­a­tion and cir­cum­stances, “I think the ma­jor­i­ty of work­ers will be in­ter­est­ed in re­turn­ing to what was their liveli­hood.”

“We ob­vi­ous­ly want to know how much the plant is be­ing sold for as the cred­i­tors should know what could pos­si­bly be sal­vaged and paid to them from the sale.”

Bai­ley added, “SWUTT and its mem­bers would be at Labour Day to high­light the con­tin­ued ne­glect of the work­ing class by Par­lia­ment with lack of amend­ments to leg­is­la­tion that does not serve the in­ter­est of cit­i­zens and work­ers—and we al­so need to ask the cur­rent At­tor­ney Gen­er­al to right the wrong that has been done to steel work­ers in T&T as he is now sup­posed to be the AG of the peo­ple. All we have ever asked for is fair­ness and eq­ui­ty.”

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