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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

List of items no longer attracting VAT


1233 days ago
 A customer shops at a Supermarket on Charlotte Street, Port-of-Spain.

A customer shops at a Supermarket on Charlotte Street, Port-of-Spain.


As of to­day, there will be no Val­ue Added Tax (VAT) ap­plied to the fol­low­ing items:

Ap­ple juice (for in­fant use, in pack­ages put up for re­tail sale);

Ap­ple juice(oth­er, in pack­ages put up for re­tail sale);

Sweet bis­cuits;

Bis­cuits, unsweet­ened;


Black pep­per (whole, crushed or ground);

Pa­pri­ka (dried, whole, crushed or ground);

Pmen­to (all­spice) (dried, whole, crushed or ground);

Vanil­la (whole, crushed or ground);

Cin­na­mon (whole, crushed or ground);

Cloves (whole, crushed or ground);

Nut­meg (whole, crushed or ground);

Seeds of co­rian­der (whole, crushed or ground);

Seeds of cumin (whole, crushed or ground);

Gin­ger (whole, crushed or ground);




Bay leaves;

Black tea (in im­me­di­ate pack­ing not ex­ceed­ing 3 kg);


Canned beans (in pack­ages less than 50 kg);

Canned corn (in pack­ages less than 50 kg);

Canned mack­er­el;

Canned mixed veg­eta­bles (in pack­ages less than 50 kg);

Canned peas (in pack­ages less than 50 kg);

Canned tu­na;

Canola oil;

Chick­en lunch­meat;

Co­conut (co­pra) oil;

Pre­pared foods ob­tained by the swelling or roast­ing of ce­re­als or ce­re­al prod­ucts;

Pre­pared foods ob­tained from un­roast­ed ce­re­al

Flakes or from mix­tures of un­roast­ed ce­re­al flakes and roast­ed ce­re­al flakes or swollen ce­re­als;

Or­ange juice (frozen: con­cen­trat­ed);

Or­ange juice (frozen: oth­er);

Or­ange juice (for in­fant use, in pack­ages put up for re­tail sale);

Or­ange juice (oth­er, in pack­ages put up for re­tail sale);


Green tea (in im­me­di­ate pack­ing not ex­ceed­ing 3 kg);

Cof­fee (ground and in­stant);

Split peas;

Ground split peas;

Ham slices;

Ce­re­al grains oth­er­wise worked (hulled, rolled, flaked, pearled, sliced or kib­bled), ex­cept rice con­tained in the First Sched­ule to the Cus­toms

Act un­der Tar­iff Head­ing Num­ber 10.06, and germ of ce­re­als (whole, rolled, flaked or ground);

Toma­to ketchup;


Soy milk;

Al­mond milk;

Oat milk;

Olive oil;

Peanut but­ter;


Roti-skins (in­cludes lo­cal­ly made “sa­da”, “paratha”, “dosti”, and “dhalpuree” ro­tis;

Chick­en sausages, canned;

Oth­er chick­en sausages;

Sala­mi sausages;

Oth­er sausages of meat;

Meats of any ori­gin, sea­soned in Trinidad and To­ba­go on­ly and put up for re­tail sale;

Soups and broths and their prepa­ra­tions whether in sol­id, liq­uid or pow­der form;

Soya (chunks and minced);

Min­er­al wa­ter, bot­tled;

Nat­ur­al wa­ter, bot­tled;

But­ter (salt­ed and non-salt­ed);

Turkey slices;

Soya-bean oil;

Maize (corn) oil.

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