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Saturday, March 15, 2025

Sucre crowned Youth Soca Champion


19 days ago

Su­cre is the 2025 Youth So­ca Cham­pi­on. This was an­nounced by or­gan­is­ers of the Ul­ti­mate So­ca Cham­pi­on 2025 in a state­ment on Sat­ur­day.

The Ul­ti­mate So­ca Cham­pi­on win­ner will be re­vealed on Car­ni­val Fri­day night. The fi­nals of the two events was held on Thurs­day evening at the Queen’s Park Sa­van­nah.

With his of­fer­ing The Great­est, Su­cre took the Sa­van­nah stage com­plete with dancers and took com­mand of the night.

In the end, he amassed 366.5 points and took home the grand prize of $200,000. Verrse was sec­ond with 331 points with Pump it Up tak­ing home $75,000.

Chris­to with Uni­ty grabbed 330.5 points and won $40,000 to round off the top three.

The or­gan­is­ers of the Ul­ti­mate So­ca Monarch said of the younger singers, “These young per­form­ers cap­ti­vat­ed the au­di­ence with their dy­nam­ic stage pres­ence, lyri­cal prowess, and un­de­ni­able So­ca spir­it. Their vic­to­ries mark the be­gin­ning of promis­ing ca­reers in the genre, and we cel­e­brate their out­stand­ing achieve­ments.”

Mean­while, the en­tire Ul­ti­mate So­ca Cham­pi­on 2025 will be broad­cast on Car­ni­val Fri­day night, Feb­ru­ary 28, where the win­ner will be re­vealed.

The cham­pi­on will walk away with $1 mil­lion.

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