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Friday, March 14, 2025

Woods tops Challenge Series #5 for third win


Nigel Simon
192 days ago
Elite men winner Tariq Woods from Evolution Cycling Academy, left, (first-place elite men) followed by Enrique de Comarmond from Heatwave CC (second-place elite men) and other cyclist ride along the Tamana InTech Park during TTCF Road Challenge #5 Criterium Male Elite at Tamana InTech Park on Sunday.

Elite men winner Tariq Woods from Evolution Cycling Academy, left, (first-place elite men) followed by Enrique de Comarmond from Heatwave CC (second-place elite men) and other cyclist ride along the Tamana InTech Park during TTCF Road Challenge #5 Criterium Male Elite at Tamana InTech Park on Sunday.

Mariela Bruzual

Tariq Woods of Evo­lu­tion Cy­cling Acad­e­my ped­alled to vic­to­ry in the Elite/Un­der-23 Men 25-laps event when the T&T Cy­cling Fed­er­a­tion Na­tion­al Road Cham­pi­onships Chal­lenge Se­ries #5 took place at Tamana In-Teck Park last Sun­day.

The 22-year-old Woods, who al­so won the sec­ond and eighth stag­ing of the events back in June and al­so cap­tured the top spot in the Un­der-23 men’s points race and the scratch race at the T&T Cy­cling Fed­er­a­tion Na­tion­al Track Cham­pi­onship in May, won ahead of En­rique De Co­mar­mond, the win­ner of the first and fourth events, with Mau­rice Bur­nett (Valkyries), Josi­asa Ve­lasquez (Heat­wave), and Nathan Alexan­der (Evo­lu­tion Cy­cling Acad­e­my) com­plet­ing the top five fin­ish­ers.

The oth­ers to com­plete the course were all Heat­wave mem­bers, in­clu­sive of Justin Boynes, Kirt­son George, Phillip Clarke, Tes­fa Hamil­ton, Mark Ho­sein, Ser­gio Mar­ques, and Al­varo Mitchell. 


Youth De­vel­op­er

Un­der-7 Girls 500m:

1. Sa­lome Bai­ley (Madon­na Wheel­ers)

Un­der-7 Boys 500m:

1. Ori­on Dan­drade (Madon­na Wheel­ers)

Un­der-9 Girls 750m:

1. Leah Mitchell (Madon­na Wheel­ers)

2. Abi­gail Titte (Rigtech Son­ics)

3. Melo­day Ram­s­ingh (Rigtech Son­ics)

4. Re­nae Titte (Rigtech Son­ics)

5. Xhariya Alexan­der (Madon­na Wheel­ers)

Un­der-9 Boys 750m:

1. Laiq Low­ell (Madon­na Wheel­ers)

2. Tyler Titte (Rigtech Son­ics)

3. Ryan Shep­pard (Rigtech Son­ics)

4. Jor­don De­here (Ari­ma Wheel­ers)

5. Levi Boodoo (Rigtech Son­ics)

Un­der-11 Girls (1 lap):

1. Lashay Nim­blett (Madon­na Wheel­ers)

2. An­na-Lee Titte (Rigtech Son­ics)

3. Ash­lee Soo Hon (Madon­na Wheel­ers)

Un­der-11 Boys (1 lap):

1. Ae­den Gar­cia (Ari­ma Wheel­ers)

2. Sakeeri Awai-Dyette (Ari­ma Wheel­ers)

3. David Rag­bir (Ari­ma Wheel­ers)

4. Zi­dane Bud­hooram (Madon­na Wheel­ers)

5. Gabriel Boodoo (Rigtech Son­ics)

Un­der-13 Girls (1 lap):

1. Scar­lette Thorne (Ari­ma Wheel­ers)

2. Mia Bal­lan­tyne (Rigtech Son­ics)

3. Lisa-Joe Bood­hoo (Rigtech Son­ics)

Un­der-13 Boys (1 laps):

1. Re­on Shep­pard (Rigtech Son­ics)

2. Shane James (Ari­ma Wheel­ers

3. Re­car­do Titte (Rigtech Son­ics)

4. Samuel Joseph (Ari­ma Wheel­ers)

Tinymite Girls (4 laps):

1. Rayann Shep­pard (Rigtech Son­ics)

2. Meli­na Lopez (un-at­tached)

Tinymite Boys (4 laps):

1. Liam Lovell (Madon­na Wheel­ers)

2. El­isha Greene Jr (un-at­tached)

3. Josi­ah Alexan­der (Raiders Cy­cle & Mul­ti­sport)

4. Josi­ah Prince (Rigtech Son­ics)

Ju­ve­nile Girls (6 laps):

1. Kylee Young (Madon­na Wheel­ers)

2. Cas­sidy Sama­roo (Madon­na Wheel­ers)

Ju­ve­nile Boys (6 laps):

1. Zion Lu­cas (Ari­ma Wheel­ers)

2. Tr­ish­ton Jaichan (PSL)

3. Stephan Man­groo (PSL)

Ju­nior Girls (7 laps):

1. Renelle Bernard (Madon­na Wheel­ers)

Ju­nior Boys (7 laps):

1. Chad Dixon (Rigtech Son­ics)

2. Ja­di­an Neaves (Raiders)

Mas­ters 50-59 (7 laps):

1. Ed­ward Nicholas Soong (Valkyries)

Mas­ters 60-69 (7 laps)

1. Michael Brown (Ari­ma Wheel­ers)

2. Gre­go­ry Not­ting­ham (Madon­na Wheel­ers)

Elite Women (12 laps):

1. Cheyenne Awai (Heat­wave)

Elite Men/Un­der-23 (25 laps)

1. Tariq Woods (Evo­lu­tion Cy­cling Acad­e­my)

2. En­rique De Co­mar­mond (Heat­wave)

3. Mau­rice Bur­nett (Valkyries)

4. Josi­asa Ve­lasquez (Heat­wave)

5. Nathan Alexan­der (Evo­lu­tion Cy­cling Acad­e­my)

6. Justin Boynes (Heat­wave)

7. Kirt­son George (Heat­wave)

8.. Phillip Clarke (Heat­wave)

9. Tes­fa Hamil­ton (Heat­wave)

10. Mark Ho­sein (Heat­wave)

11. Ser­gio Mar­ques (Heat­wave)

12. Al­varo Mitchell (Heat­wave)

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