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Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Retired doctor beaten during home invasion; 3 high-end cars stolen


Anna-Lisa Paul

A re­tired neu­ro­sur­geon was robbed of three high-end ve­hi­cles, a quan­ti­ty of cash and valu­ables, along with a reg­is­tered firearm, dur­ing a home in­va­sion on Sun­day.

The 84-year-old, of Fair­ways, Mar­aval, was at home with his 42-year-old care­tak­er/gar­den­er, of Blan­chisseuse, when five men jumped the prop­er­ty’s walls and en­tered the house.

Po­lice said dur­ing the in­ci­dent, which oc­curred be­tween 7 pm and 7.45 pm, the two vic­tims were beat­en and tied up.

Dur­ing the or­deal, one of the sus­pects was heard speak­ing on the phone with a man, who di­rect­ed him where to search and where the safes could be found.

The armed sus­pect went back to the re­tired doc­tor and or­dered him to pro­vide the codes to open the safes.

The vic­tim lat­er hand­ed over the keys to open the safes, af­ter which the sus­pects took $21,000 in cash; a quan­ti­ty of US and pound ster­ling; along with an iPhone 11 val­ued at $7,000; and one Smith and Wes­son re­volver con­tain­ing five rounds of .38 am­mu­ni­tion and 20 rounds 9mm am­mu­ni­tion.

The sus­pects al­so ran­sacked the house and took sev­er­al box­es of al­co­hol and the DVR sys­tem, which was con­cealed in the kitchen area.

They al­so es­caped with three ve­hi­cles, in­clud­ing a brown Porsche Cayenne, a black Bar­bas Mer­cedes Benz and a white Land Cruis­er 100 se­ries.

The vic­tims man­aged to un­tie them­selves and raised an alarm.

As of­fi­cers from the Mar­aval Po­lice Sta­tion re­spond­ed, emer­gency health of­fi­cials were sum­moned to take the for­mer doc­tor to hos­pi­tal for a cut un­der his right foot which was not life-threat­en­ing.

As the hunt for the sus­pects got un­der­way, po­lice re­cov­ered the Porsche Cayenne aban­doned along the Golf Course Road a short while lat­er. The Mer­cedes Benz was re­cov­ered around 1 am at Be­dassie Street, St Au­gus­tine.

The vic­tim pro­vid­ed the po­lice with the names of sev­er­al per­sons of in­ter­est whom in­ves­ti­ga­tors were ex­pect­ed to in­ter­view yes­ter­day. — An­na-Lisa Paul

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